We are pleased to announce that the Nation Institute Investigative Fund has been selected by CREDO Mobile as one of the social justice organizations it will fund in 2011.

By voting for the Nation Institute Investigative Fund, you will help to support the muckraking investigative journalism we are known for — reporting that covers issues neglected by the mainstream media; makes a real difference to communities on the ground; and has real-world impact, from federal indictments to Congressional investigations. We’ve exposed crisis pregnancy centers, contracting fraud in Afghanistan, racial violence in New Orleans, the Tea Party’s ties to armed militias, Fiji Water’s shocking business practices, and much more.

Since its founding in 1985, CREDO has generated more than $65 million by donating a portion of customers’ charges to world-changing organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood Federation of America … and now us!

The way it works is simple: the more people vote for us, the bigger the CREDO donation we get. And that’s where you come in.

If you are a CREDO customer, hold a Working Assets credit card, or have ever sent a CREDO Action Alert, you can vote for us today by clicking here.

But even if you are none of the above, you can still vote for us. How, you ask?

1) Go to this link.

2) Go to the bottom of the page and click where it says “new to CREDO? Click here” and…click there.

3) Sign any one of the petitions with your email, full name, and street address and click “Sign the petition.”

4) Go back to that first link and sign in as a “CREDO Action member” with the same email, name, and street address you used above.

5) Look for Nation Institute Investigative Fund (we’re listed under the heading “Voting Rights and Participation”) and give us all 40 points.

The whole process takes less than three minutes, so we hope you’ll take a moment to do it.

The more votes we get, the more funding we get! It’s that simple.

Thank you for taking the time to help us out — and for spreading the word.