GEN InvestigationBusiness, Politics A Former Trump Operative Used GiveSendGo to Push Claims of Election Fraud and Rake in Hundreds of Thousands The Christian crowdfunding platform has been a friendly resource for Trumpworld. Richard SalameGENMarch 15, 2021 InvestigationHealth, Justice, World En Puerto Rico, Una Epidemia de Violencia Doméstica Se Esconde a Simple Vista Luego del huracán María, el número de mujeres asesinadas por sus parejas se duplicó. Sobrevivientes dicen que la respuesta desacertada del gobierno ha puesto aún más vidas en peligro. Andrea González-RamírezGENJune 30, 2020 InvestigationHealth, Justice, World In Puerto Rico, an Epidemic of Domestic Violence Hides in Plain Sight After Hurricane Maria, the number of women killed by their partners doubled. Survivors say the government’s misguided response has put more lives in danger. Andrea González-RamírezGENJune 30, 2020 InvestigationJustice The Evidence Against Her When Nikki Addimando shot her abusive partner, she thought she had enough proof it was self-defense. Why did the prosecution only see a cold-blooded killer? Justine van der LeunGENMay 27, 2020
InvestigationBusiness, Politics A Former Trump Operative Used GiveSendGo to Push Claims of Election Fraud and Rake in Hundreds of Thousands The Christian crowdfunding platform has been a friendly resource for Trumpworld. Richard SalameGENMarch 15, 2021
InvestigationHealth, Justice, World En Puerto Rico, Una Epidemia de Violencia Doméstica Se Esconde a Simple Vista Luego del huracán María, el número de mujeres asesinadas por sus parejas se duplicó. Sobrevivientes dicen que la respuesta desacertada del gobierno ha puesto aún más vidas en peligro. Andrea González-RamírezGENJune 30, 2020
InvestigationHealth, Justice, World In Puerto Rico, an Epidemic of Domestic Violence Hides in Plain Sight After Hurricane Maria, the number of women killed by their partners doubled. Survivors say the government’s misguided response has put more lives in danger. Andrea González-RamírezGENJune 30, 2020
InvestigationJustice The Evidence Against Her When Nikki Addimando shot her abusive partner, she thought she had enough proof it was self-defense. Why did the prosecution only see a cold-blooded killer? Justine van der LeunGENMay 27, 2020