Welcome to our new website! Now you can see all of our Investigative Fund work in one place — whether it’s exposés of human rights abuses in Iraq, civil rights violations here at home, environmental toxins where we live and work, or profiteering from the economic meltdown. With stories like these, we’re doing our part to keep investigative reporting alive at a time of crisis for journalism.

You can get inside this kind of enterprising reporting through a new feature, The Backstory, where our reporters open up about their difficult, demanding, and sometimes dangerous work. You can learn more about the investigative process and read brief biographies of your favorite reporters. Notice in the upper right corner we’ve created categories for our investigations so that you can easily find reports on the Environment & Health, Immigration & Labor, or Iraq and Afghanistan. We also launched this blog to comment on developments in the world of journalism and point you to great investigative stories you may have missed.

This new site wouldn’t have been possible without the patience and hard work of our talented designers, Michael Gharabiklou and Shawn Sutherland of Birds on Walls; the long winter hours spent writing, inputting, editing, transcribing, coding, and cropping photos by David Barreda, Marissa Colón-Margolies, Jayati Vora, Joe Duax, Jennifer Chudy, and Rae Gomes; the lovely new logo design by Kara Brown; generous support from Lannan Foundation; and help from the many reporters and editors with whom we work who sent needed information our way.

I hope you’ll take a moment to poke around the site and explore the work we do. And if you’re inspired, please stop by our online donations page and do what you can to help make this work possible.