BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Rosa Goldensohn and Rachael Levy Goldensohn and Levy discuss cultivating sources, reporting on law enforcement agencies, and creating a reporting plan. Rosa Goldensohn & Rachael LevyFebruary 20, 2015
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Dax-Devlon Ross Ross discusses his investigation about discriminatory jury selection, how he cultivated sources, and the role his legal and academic background played in the reporting process. Dax-Devlon RossNovember 17, 2014
BackstoryWorld The Backstory: Vivian Salama Salama discusses how she approached the topic of drone strikes and PTSD while reporting from Yemen. Vivian SalamaSeptember 3, 2014
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Carla Murphy In the wake of the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Carla Murphy talks about who “gets” to be a victim. Carla MurphyJuly 25, 2014
BackstoryBusiness The Backstory: Gary Rivlin Rivlin discusses his investigation into the behind-the-scenes maneuvering in Washington that threatens to undo important reforms. Gary RivlinApril 8, 2014
BackstoryWorld The Backstory: Nick Turse Nick Turse discusses the challenges of collecting data in war zones and obtaining information from the US military. Nick TurseJanuary 10, 2014
BackstoryPolitics The Backstory: Lee Fang Investigative reporter Lee Fang discusses how he follows the paper trail to break big news stories and the philosophy that guides his reporting. Lee FangJuly 24, 2013
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Karen Houppert Karen Houppert talks about the fiftieth anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright, the case that gave every American the right to an attorney in a criminal trial. Karen HouppertMarch 18, 2013
BackstoryEnvironment, World The Backstory: J. Malcolm Garcia Narrative storyteller and Investigative Fund reporter J. Malcolm Garcia talks about the detailed note-taking he used in his award-winning series on military burn pits, writing down everything, and how to move the story forward. J. Malcolm GarciaMarch 7, 2013
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: Shane Bauer Shane Bauer talks about reporting from a Solitary Housing Unit in a California prison as a reporter with personal experience of being imprisoned. Shane BauerFebruary 4, 2013