InvestigationJustice Albania: Getting Out of Gitmo Despite being exonerated, only five of twenty-two Chinese Uighurs at Guantánamo were released — to Albania. The rest remain at a supermax prison. Alexandra PoolosFrontlineJanuary 27, 2009
InvestigationJustice Katrina’s Hidden Race War In post-Katrina New Orleans, armed white residents, shouting racial epithets, opened fire on passersby, shooting at least eleven African Americans seeking refuge. A.C. ThompsonThe NationJanuary 5, 2009
InvestigationJustice Body of Evidence Did the New Orleans police play a role in the grisly death of Henry Glover? Eyewitness testimony and forensic evidence leads straight to NOPD personnel. A.C. ThompsonThe NationJanuary 5, 2009
BackstoryJustice The Backstory: A.C. Thompson A.C. Thompson on how it took him a year and a half to uncover a hidden story from the days after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans — armed white vigilantes attacked African Americans fleeing the floodwaters with a nod and a wink from the local police. Kai WrightDecember 19, 2008
InvestigationJustice Victims and Vigilantes Victims of post-Katrina violence at the hands of white vigilantes describe their experiences in this video. Laura HannaThe NationDecember 18, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics Obama’s big win obscured ongoing voting problems Just because it wasn’t a nightmare scenario like the 2000 Florida recount doesn’t mean there weren’t systemic problems on voting day. Art LevineThe New Mexico IndependentNovember 8, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics Justice, Bush-Style GOP loyalists have taken over the Justice Department and retooled the civil rights division as a political weapon. Andrew GumbelThe NationOctober 20, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics How Sarah Palin Excluded African Americans in Alaska Evidence that Sarah Palin avoided hiring minority staffers and shut out black business owners from Alaska’s oil board Max BlumenthalThe Daily BeastOctober 13, 2008
InvestigationImmigration, Justice In Arizona, Undocumented Immigrants Face Federal Criminal Charges Drastic changes in immigration enforcement mean that undocumented immigrants who were once allowed to leave voluntarily are now being tried as criminals. David BaconThe NationOctober 6, 2008
InvestigationJustice, Politics Life Sentence A sharp look at John McCain’s votes on reproductive rights and his track record in Arizona challenge the candidate’s image as an abortion moderate. Sarah BlustainNew RepublicAugust 27, 2008